Write Sales Pages That Get People Excited to Buy

Learn easy, actionable tips from guest expert Nicole Kepic that you can implement right away — no professional copywriting skills required!

✔️Grab attention from the very first line
✔️Infuse your unique personality
✔️Create feel-good, “I need-this-now!” urgency

This FREE event is hosted by Mallika Malhotra, The Brand CEO.

Join The FREE Brand Power Hour:
10 Tips for Writing Unforgettable Sales Pages

February 16, 2023

11AM - 12PM EST

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Mallika Malhotra

    The Brand CEO

    Meet Mallika

    Mallika is an award-winning brand strategist, confidence-stirring mentor, and dynamic speaker. After years of working in corporate advertising on big brands like L’Oreal, Oil of Olay, and Hidden Valley Ranch, she now helps women in business master their message, find their niche, and build their brand empires. Her friends and clients call her The Brand Energizer because she is a strong believer in getting out of your comfort zone, taking action. and implementing ideas

    Meet Nicole

    Nicole is a chai-latte-loving copywriter with 20 years of experience. Her happy place is writing sales pages, although she loves a good launch email sequence too! Her mission: to help female business owners stand out from the crowd, attract their ideal clients, and sell out their signature offers with fun, feel-good copy. No icky, Bro-marketing strategies … just relatable words that get readers to say, “I want that!”